
Owls are an interesting species. Secretive by nature, it's not always easy to observe or learn about these creatures.
They are mainly nocturnal, and the primary food source for many types of owls are rodents. Smaller varieties, though, may prefer insects. When they do eat, they tend to swallow their prey whole! It's what I imagine a hot dog eating competitor must look like while eating. I don't know. I haven't watched a competition.
Owls also hooting is used for the same reasons other birds sing. It's the primary way they communicate with each other, and can also be used in other ways. For example, threatened burrowing owl nestlings may make a sound like a rattle snake to scare of predators.
We have an owl in our back woods somewhere, and we hear it routinely. Also heard it grab some food one time while on a video call. No one else heard it but me, making me look like I'm out of my mind wondering what that screaming noise was. Thanks, Mr. Owl.


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